ECIM, we're more than a ministry; we're a family, sharing love and praising the Lord together. Our 24/7 live presence provides a haven for believers seeking spiritual connection, fostering genuine relationships that transcend boundaries. Whether through interactive forums, theological courses, or uplifting worship sessions, ECIM is a place where your faith journey is celebrated, and God's love is magnified. Come, be part of a community that thrives on shared love and continuous praise, uniting hearts in the joy of the Lord!

Paltalk members from around the world gather in the Biblical city of Corinth.

የመስህብ ህግ (Law Of Attraction) በክርስትና እይታ By Dr. Tilaye

The Law of Attraction is a concept that suggests that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. It is often associated with the New Thought and New Age movements and has gained popularity through books like "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne.

Key principles of the Law of Attraction

  • Positive Thinking: Advocates of the Law of Attraction emphasize the importance of maintaining a positive mindset. This involves focusing on what you want rather than what you don't want.
  • Visualization: Visualization is a technique where individuals imagine and picture themselves achieving their goals. The idea is that by visualizing success, you are sending out positive energy to the universe.
  • Affirmations: Affirmations are positive statements that are repeated to oneself. The belief is that by affirming positive beliefs, individuals can reprogram their subconscious mind and attract positive outcomes.
  • Gratitude: Expressing gratitude for what one already has is seen as a way to attract more positive experiences. Gratitude is believed to raise one's vibrational frequency and align them with positive energies.

ክፍል 2

Pastor's Welcome

Pastor Yohannes Teffera with all ECIM members greet you warmly in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a privilege for us to extend a warm welcome to our website. I hope it would be useful and above all, by the grace of God, it would be a great blessing. Our main desire is to present the message of salvation that our Lord Jesus Christ commanded to his disciples in Matthew 28: 19-20.

የኢክኢሚ አጭር ታሪክ

2001- 2024 ሃያ አራት አመታት በጌታ ዕርዳታ

ዘመኑ እንደ አውሮፓውያን አቆጣጠር በ1999 ነበር፡፡,፣ የተባሉ ወዘተ በተለያዩ አለማዊ የሆኑ ድረ-ገጾችና የውይይት ክፍሎች፡ ውስጥ Pentew, Christian Man ወዘተ በተባሉ በተለያዮ ቅጽል ስሞች በመጠቀም ነበር በግልጽነት የጌታችንን የየሱስ ክርስቶስን አዳኝነት እመሰክር የነበረው።
ምስክርነቴንም አዘውትሬ በመቀጠል ላይ ሳለሁ፤ አንዳንድ ሰዎች በግል/Private በመጻፍ ስለ ክርስትና ህይወቴና ስለተለያዩ ተመሳሳይ ዕምነትን የተመለከቱ ጉዳዬች ይጠይቁኝና ያነጋግሩኝ ነበር። ያንን አጋጣሚ ተጠቅመው እነርሱም ከተለያዩ አገራት፤ ለምሳሌ ከኬንያ፤ ሱዳን፤ ግብጽ ወዘተ ወደ ምዕራቡ ዓለም ከመምጣታቸው በፊት አማኞች ቢሆኑም እንኳን፤ እንደ ቀድሞው በሕይወታቸው እና በቃላቸው ስለ ጌታ የሱስ አዳኝነት ለመመስከር በጣም መቸገራቸውን እና በተለይም ፤ አማኞችን በሚዘልፉና ጸያፍ ቃላት በተሞሉ የውይይት ክፍሎች ውስጥ በአደባባይ በድፍረት እና በግልጽነት እንዴት መመስከር እንደቻልኩኝ የዘወትር ጥያቄዎቻቸው ነበሩ። ለጥያቄዎቻቸው መልስ ሆኖ ያገኘሁትና ያኔም ሆነ ዛሬም ያለኝ መልስ “ ከእኔ የሆነ ምንም ነገር የለም፤ ሃይል እና ችሎታውን የሰጠኝ እግዚአብሔር ብቻ መሆኑን ያንን አውቃለሁ “ የሚል ነው።


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Have you ever heard of the Law of Attraction? It’s a concept that has gained popularity in recent years, thanks...
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ECIM History It was in 1999 that I started to enter to different Ethiopian secular chat rooms such as,...
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  • December 20, 2023


A Global Connection

Being part of ECIM has been a blessing beyond measure. Living far from my home country, I often felt a sense of isolation in my faith. Discovering ECIM became a lifeline, connecting me with a global community of believers who share not only my cultural background but, more importantly, my love for Christ. The 24/7 live platform ensures that no matter where I am in the world or what time it is, I can find spiritual support, engage in meaningful discussions, and worship together with my ECIM family. It's more than an online ministry; it's a bridge that spans continents and unites hearts in Christ.



From Darkness To Light

My journey with ECIM has been nothing short of a divine intervention. I stumbled upon this online ministry during a time in my life when I felt lost and disconnected. The continuous 24/7 presence of ECIM became a guiding light, leading me from darkness to the illuminating truth of God's love. The community embraced me with open arms, and through the theological courses and heartfelt discussions, I found spiritual nourishment and a renewed sense of purpose. Today, I proudly share my testimony, a testament to the transformative power of faith and the unwavering support of the ECIM family.


Inspiration and Encouragement

I was struggling with my faith and needed guidance on how to apply biblical principles to my everyday life. This ministry has been a source of inspiration and encouragement. The teachings and resources have not only deepened my understanding of God’s Word, but they have also transformed my perspective and actions. I am now more intentional about living out my faith and making a positive impact in my community.
